Posted on 4/5/2018
Here's an unfortunate truth: often times, car owners neglect routine maintenance and repairs required by their primary mode of transportation. This happens all too frequently, largely because vehicle owners are scared off by the price of some repairs and preventative maintenance solutions. Who has that kind of money just laying around in this economy, anyway? Well, boy do we have an auto maintenance tip for you today: use your tax refund! Instead of splurging on a new TV or a trip, spend your refund on something that you actually need. Whether it's an oil change, brake replacement, or a new transmission, that surplus in cash can be well spent when you elect to provide some long-overdue TLC to your vehicle. Learn more Boulder auto maintenance tips and visit The Shop Automotive today to schedule your repair appointment today. How Should I Spend My Tax Refund? Like we said above, it's an all too common occurrence these days. People neglect their cars and routine repairs be ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2018
As a vehicle owner, you've heard it time and time again. You know that the transmission is a vital component of your car — but you just don't know what it actually is or does. You're not alone. While gearheads all know about the importance of a vehicle's transmission, the average car owner likely knows next to nothing about this component. That's what we're here for. In this blog, our Boulder auto shop will take you through everything you need to know about your vehicle's transmission — from what it is, to where it is, to what it does, to where you can turn for reliable transmission maintenance and repair in Boulder. Keep reading to learn more and visit The Shop Automotive today for all things transmission and auto repair. What Is A Transmission? In outer space, a transmission often refers to a communication between the astronauts and the folks on the ground. That's not at all what a vehicle transmission is. When it comes to your auto transmission, it is the ... read more
Posted on 3/29/2018
Ah, springtime in the Rockies. Living in Boulder, we have a unique perspective that almost nobody else in the world gets to enjoy. We see an amazing amount of sunshine, live in close proximity to the mountains, and have countless hiking trails and sights to see all year round. Between the spring showers (and occasional spring snow storms), the turning of the season presents a great opportunity to get out and explore our great city — and our great state. But without a reliable means of transportation, you could soon find yourself stuck in the mud going nowhere fast. Don't let this happen to you! In this blog, we'll go over a few auto maintenance tips in order to help you gear up your vehicle for all of those fun-filled spring adventures. Keep reading to learn more and visit our Boulder auto maintenance specialists at The Shop Automotive today to make an appointment. Oil Check The first, and possibly most important, tip for spring vehicle maintenance is to check and ... read more
Posted on 2/13/2018

Your car is an investment. And just like any investment, you want to give it the proper nurturing so that it will last for a long while and yield many great returns. Chances are, whether your car is brand new or it's been in the family for years (or even decades), you have an emotional bond with your vehicle. It's only natural. And that's why it's important to care for it properly at every turn. Part of being a responsible car owner these days is finding an auto shop that you can trust. What you don't want to do is choose an auto shop solely based upon the coupons they hand out. That can lead to jumping around from shop to shop every few months, and never giving the technicians a chance to get to know your car — which is a fundamentally important aspect of being able to care for it. So what should you look for in an auto shop? There are a few things. You want one that is trustworthy and has good reviews. You want one that is going to treat you with respect ... read more